Herbert and Katherine Jacobs House (Jacobs 1) Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Herbert and Katherine Jacobs House (Jacobs 1) Madison, Wisconsin, USA
This is our first model of a piece of domestic architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright. The Jacobs House has always been in my mind a water shed moment in the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. What I particularly like is that it is of a scale most of can relate to and could possibly see ourselves living in at some stage of our lives be that as a young family starting out on life adventure as indeed Herbert and Katherine Jacobs were or later in life when the simpler things in life become important.
Our model illustrates the house on the platform Wright had the contractors construct to the north west corner of the lot. The platform extends to the south and west reflecting the ‘L’shape of the house itself.
Frank Lloyd Wright originally proposed a garden 3 feet lower than the house platform. Wright did not provide a landscape plan for his houses (and rarely did) but he was careful to provide the residents with the best views across the property and beyond. Only the platform was ever constructed as the Jacobs never completed the other features and left the remaining land in it’s native form. Wright also suggested a board fence around the property but Herbert Jacobs never built more than a small section running south from the house.
With crisp clean lines our model emphasises Wrights geometric forms which he introduced in his early work of the first decade of the twentieth century. Wrights organic approach of using natural materials is accomplished with our cherry timber cladding. The horizontal lines of Wrights unique panel wall system are clearly visible as are the sections of brick which was laid according to a system Wright invented. The horizontal joints are laid with ordinary mortar being deeply raked while the vertical joints are finished flush with the brickwork.
Lift your finished model up to eye level and appreciate well designed affordable housing in miniature.
Model Scale 1:100 – Approx 250mm x 120mm x 70mm (9.8in x 9.8in x 1.5in)
Watch the construction process.
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Spin and view the model by clicking you mouse and dragging.
Our instructions are comprehensive and include easy to follow diagrams which take you through every stage of the construction. Glue is required but not supplied.
The Little Building Co is pleased to be associated with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation in developing a range of architectural model kits that reflect the architects vision for his buildings.
Manufactured from timber these models are the ethical choice for the architectural enthusiast or discerning model builder.