Our Mission
…we strive to make the best architectural model kits we can. They are we hope something you will enjoy building and take pride in owning, it is after all something you have built yourself. We hope they become one of your valued possessions next to that stone you kicked all the way home from school when you were 10 and that very special feather.
Like you we care about the environmental and our impact upon it. Where possible our materials are sustainably sourced and our production process produces little to no waste. Our models have a truth to the materials they are made from and the look and feel that they could have come from the architects own office. We do extensive research on the buildings we decide to develop, cross referencing sketches, drawings and photographs. Our objective is to capture the lines and details of a building, the architects true vision but in miniature.
about us

About Us
Marcus spent his childhood skating on frozen ponds, throwing snowballs and using hay bales to build dens in the English countryside. He quickly discovered that skating and snowball throwing held limited career opportunities so he focused instead on his building skills.
After studying engineering then three dimensional design at college, Marcus began an international career that would take him from Japan to Hong Kong to the USA, across Australia and finally to Brisbane in Queensland, where he now runs his own design company. Creating little houses seemed like a natural extension to his love of making things, mixing textures and materials.
Marcus and his family live in an old Queenslander that’s slowly being renovated. Little Buildings, he has found, are far easier to tinker with than big ones…
Thank You all
We have embarked on a couple of Kickstarter campaigns to date. Your support has lightened the load and helped us get a couple of our models into production.
Kickstarter is a fantastic way to showcase a product and connect to likeminded people. Through Kickstarter we have made many new friends.
I would like to thank the following for pledging to support my Sydney Opera House project.
You helped make this happen. You can view the Kickstarter campaign here.
Richard Fleming, Dean, Missy Laney, Robert Schulz, Katinka Kuipers, Ken Rhodes, Daren Durst, Damian Weller, Alicia F, Tamsin Higgins, Jason Salcido, Anna Toyna, Joshua Caron, Maximilian Barrows, Claire Campbell, Josh Kinnersley, John Willis, Brad Wade, Simona Vogel, Ross Jeffcoat, Jill Sharwood, Anders Franzen, Stephen Keith MacFarlane, Laura Barnett, Melanie Clemmey, Adrienne Williams, L Watson, Lola Gudgeon, Christopher Riegle, Elisa Lamb, Colum Lowe, Greg Malkin, John Ellway, Kathleen Duff, Stuart Parkyn, Cameron Davies, Alan Mills, Carli, Delia Stecher, Mark Thomson, Australian Woodwork, Judith Thompson, Danish Association Heimdal Inc, Fergus Rourke, Mark Tanner, Terry Cosgrove, James Banks, Gaspard de Jong, Julian Crisp, Sara Kilcher, Matt, Pene Mitchell, Kristy, Louise Ralph, Kevin O’Brien, Graeme Smith, Alastair Furnival, Patrick Shirley, Tiong Ee Tan, Timothy McGowan, Dan, Meis, Nic Lee, Mike, James Frank, Charmaine Cheung, Danielle Gibson, Kevin Franklin, Andrew Taylor, Andrew Downs, Diparshi Mukherjee, Andy Marlow, Pacomius, Kerry, Greg Wentz, Kayla Halleur, Leland, G & M Lamb, Tim Cantwell, Kenny Wong, David Milne, Joe Geraghty, Michael Delaney, Laura A Hemly, Sarah Delaney, Catherine Bristow, Adam H, Davis Wells, Ed Insel, Neil Houghton, Stacey Bark, Marita Vinicky, Aditya Relangi, Nicolas Winyard, Alexander Hont,, David Schach, Shaun Oliver, Rick Pawell, Tor Edvin Dahl, Brian Paton, Александр Бурченко, Peter, Todd Elliott, Theodore Marcy, Arthur Leinoff, Rolf Gehlhaar, Angelika Geffers, Joris Van de Putte,Lynn Wolf, Filipe Gonçalo Leitão Marques Vilão,Alice Diamant, Tim Macmillan, Matt Lavoie, Greg Lowrie, Alan M Gee, Melchior Mazzone, Gregory Ramsay, Tim Patience, John, Glenn Chambers, J, Patrick Wong, Cameron Avery, Nancy Martira, Jesper Fonsbol, William Walton, Niels Haar, Tom Ludwig, Goodie Park, Verne Smith, Kathleen M. Kovacs, Craig O’Sullivan, Annabelle Boyd Jones, Shane Stephens, Margaret Coulson, Morgan, Nick Cooney, Jonathan Davies, Luca Gatti, Mack Xue, Robert Care, Victoria Young, Warren Smith, Liz, Alan Shaw, olive @ ernie, Belle Dalton, Pamela Eby, Giovanni Zhou, Ann Whiteoak, Errol Adrian Pugh, Derek Nicholson, Lyn Sebire, Berkelouw Books Eumundi, Graham J Sledge, Steve Salisbury, Nat, Christian Rantzau, Felix, Des Berkowitz, Kevin Brown, Graeme Blaskett, Eddie, Renai Venables, Zee Berube, David Chamberlain, Dietmar Pohland, Rodrigo Dos Santos, Eden Hall, David Hanson, Dennis Arnold, Eugenia Farrell, Chee Lup Wan, Nicholas Wai, Michael Miscamble, Jacqueline, Ronald W Monroe, Neil Cairns, Ian Nicolson, Andrew Watson, Michael Barnstijn, David, Paula Wynn, Mal Booth, Tet Toe, Alex Czurylo, Peter Csontos, James Tunggal, Graham Knox, Alan McNamara, Richard & Judy Clemmey, Tony, Steven Fisher, Allison Brook, Mark Ross, Simon Johansen, Frank Katch, Karen Meyerhoff, Sara + Glenn Smith, Hannah Naomi Jamieson, Dennis H Murphy, Pete Mack, Andrew Anway, Eric Damon Walters, Eric Petersen, Susan Wyeth Tom + Joan Wallin, Louise Rossney, Alex Leverington.
Thank you all again
I would like to thank the following for pledging to support my Farnsworth House project.
You helped make this happen. You can view the Kickstarter campaign here.
Steven Fisher, Brett Witty, Todd Johnson, George Lohmer, Margaret Weber, Javier Vasquez, Jean Lin, Ryan Fitzgerald, Jacqueline Ratcliffe, Peter L Brown, Olive Bree, Carla Washinko, Richard Spitzer, King Heiple, Ronald W Monroe, Margo Pedroso Greg Malkin , Guest 27399027, Alex Beam, Delia Stecher, Eve Parker , Cameron Davies, Stephen Bluto, Chrimoto, Rodney Dunshea, Derek Nicholson, Pamela Eby, olive @ ernie, Neil Cairns, Leland Patton , Pete Hennessey, Susan Rubans, Ryan Coles Christopher Molenik, Gloria Wolf, Grace Gurnsey, Christopher Smith, Juergen Stange, Kit Chong, Peter Anderson, Stefan Klefisch, L Watson, Mark Ross